“The present moment is the designated track for any new beginning.”
Louis-Marie Parent
This quote is a motto and a challenge for me to guide my day-to-day behavior in life. Already in medical school I felt the love for teaching and sharing knowledge. With my gift as a presenter/facilitator, the desire to become a trainer grew within me. At the end of my pediatric internship in 2015, my task was to organize a farewell event with all the hospital staff. Thereby the musical animation with different instruments should not be missing, this was a big challenge. The farewell party was a very successful event with the active participation of all employees – even the director of the hospital was there. I would not want to miss this experience. At that time I wanted to enter the world of an animator-trainer afterwards.
A dream comes true
For almost three years I was looking for a job as a medical trainer. Fortunately, I saw the vacant position at AiNA soa. I am convinced that the Lord led me here. For as He said, “So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.” Isaiah 41:10.
During the first interview, I was amazed by Laza. He wore ordinary clothes and had a simple expression in his choice of words, never would I have thought at first glance that he was the director of the organization. I consider this a great and distinguished humility that I admire a lot in him. His heart is in the right place and I am very much looking forward to working with Laza and the whole team. Because thank God I got the job together with two other young doctors. So now we all have the same goal: “To pass on our knowledge to all Malagasy people through first aid training”.
First-Aid-Trainings: A base to save lives
Since the beginning of February we have started to practice and consolidate the different topics and simulations in first aid. Although I am a doctor myself, I surprisingly did not know how to practice first aid before these trainings. These teachings are essential.Therefore, I encourage all readers to attend such a training and learn the various first aid procedures. It is very likely that at some point in your life you will encounter a person who has had an accident and needs to be rescued. When you arrive on the scene, you will be able to use your knowledge to help and save a person you may not have known before. Which is a great blessing for the person involved. In this way they become a “Good Samaritan”.
Ny Ony