Pro Work stands for the support of Malagasy people who are involved in charitable work and try to improve the living situation in the country.
It has been noticed that the willingness to donate refers to the people affected and the helpers often do not get any support for their living. They have difficulties to feed their own families despite their high commitment. For this reason Pro Work was founded in 2000.
Malagasy people who are integrated in Pro Work receive a monthly support. The donations are collected and transferred to the recipients every three months. Individuals receive CHF 50 and married couples CHF 100 per month. We would like to increase the amount, but at the moment we do not have the financial means to do so.
In order to be accepted at Pro Work, a commitment in a charitable way must be evident. This can be like Mamsoa in caring for elderly people or like Mariane in working with children on the street. Nirina and his wife run a radio station and educate people in this way. So there are many more who are impressively committed, but often do not receive any reward.
It is assumed that this kind of direct support is effective in supporting development in Madagascar.
The aim is to establish sponsorships within the framework of Pro Work, whereby there is also the possibility of maintaining direct contact with the respective persons if desired.