Jacqueline Ribeli, President
Together with my husband Christian I travelled to Madagascar for the first time in summer 2015. The people on this huge island have become very dear to my heart ever since. After my training as a dietician I got to know Nicole and was able to do a voluntary service with AiNA soa in 2018. I was thrilled to see how much power and love all the team members put into their work to impart knowledge about first aid and other health issues to the people in Madagascar. Therefore, I am all the more pleased to be able to continue my commitment to AiNA soa.
In autumn 2019 I was able to collect data for my master thesis in the Vakinankaratra region with great help of the AiNA soa team. It was a very exciting and new experience for me and all involved.
Stephan Kloter, Finances
As people in privileged Switzerland with great educational opportunities, a well functioning health care system and our financial means, we have a responsibility to help other people in less privileged situations.
At AiNA soa, I am thrilled that in addition to direct help, the focus is on empowering the local population. The aim is that the local population learns to do things themselves and without Swiss help. This gives people self-confidence and dignity and prevents unhealthy dependencies.

Nicole Imboden, Founder & Social Work
The early history of AiNA soa is a part of my story. I’ve known it for a longer time. If I do not carry out this project, I would deeply regret it. As an emergency nurse, by working abroad in different countries in Africa and a FH degree in social work I dared to realize the project and found an aid organization.
The years of development in Madagascar were instructive, productive, challenging and made me grow close to the country and its people. Back in Switzerland, my focus is on coaching the Malagasy team and managing the association’s work.
The vision of what AiNA soa should become has already taken shape. Malagasy people are empowered and continue to develop their country. Today they are the driving force of the change we want to see. Today AiNA soa is no longer just my story, but that of many people, because they are part of this valuable work. My deepest thanks go to all of them.
However, there was one, who gave courage, brought people together, showed solutions and opened doors – without him, I am convinced that AiNA soa would have remained a dream. Nihil sin Deo – nothing without God – AiNA soa is a testimony to this.
Evelyn Hoene, Actuatry
I am married to my dream man and mother of three wonderful children. I love fellowship, I enjoy hosting guests and I love to read a book. Professionally I work as a part-time nurse.
AiNA soa inspires me, because I see that the help offered reaches the people in Madagascar directly. It is impressive to see that the Samaritana pilot project alone has saved lives.

Rosmarie Junker, Auditor
Happily married and mother of three grown-up sons. Working as a nurse in a hospital in Bern.
During a 4-week break I travelled to Madagascar in 2014 and personally met AiNA soa.
The valuable work done so far as well as the commitment of Nicole and the Malagasy staff impressed me very much. I am convinced that it is important and necessary to pass on the knowledge about first aid.
I am pleased to be allowed to work on the board of this organisation.
Anke Schmocker, Translator
Since autumn 2003 I am happily married with Heinz. After we had recently taken in several children and a young mother with a child as part of our family over a period of several years and I worked as a pastoral worker at the same time, I am now working in the social counselling department of a social enterprise.
I support AiNA soa because through their work the help starts with the people at the basis. Helping people to help themselves is effective and has a long lasting perspective. What is “natural” to know about health care in our culture is unfortunately (still) the exception in Madagascar. That is why it is valuable and important to pass on this “basic knowledge”: simple, understandable and practical to implement.