Voluntary engagement with AiNA soa in Madagascar
We are always looking for people who are willing to share their know-how with the Malagasy population. This can be in the form of a workshop of one week or a longer assignment. We are convinced that such a volunteer stay is not only a benefit for the Malagasy people but an enrichment for both sides.
Madagascar offers various possibilities to participate in development aid. Your skills and ideas are again the focus of attention. If your talents cannot be used in our project at the moment, it is possible to network you with other organisations. However, we would be happy to examine how you could contribute to our project. The more information we receive from you, the better we can advise you and involve you in our project. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to compensate you financially. We try to provide food and accommodation in a simple setting.
Please contact us directly if you are interested in a volunteer assignment.
No matter whether it is a one-week short assignment or a cooperation over several weeks or months: You will get the chance to get involved in a project in a very concrete way. You will get to know the culture of Madagascar and will be accompanied during your stay. Synergies are to be used, whereby your skills are in demand and it is our concern that you can gain positive experiences. We would be happy to compare our possibilities with your ideas and inform you in which form your assignement would be possible.
Help has many faces – it can be practical, financial or prayerful. The Bible has an interesting statement about this in 2 Corinthians 9:7, “Let everyone give as he has set his heart on giving: not with vexation or under duress. Today there are many aid agencies and opportunities for giving. The goal in everything AiNA soa does is to empower people and promote independence.