“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela (1918 – 2013, former President of South Africa)
Switzerland and Madagascar are two countries with very different education systems.
The exchange between Switzerland and Madagascar via AiNA soa made us aware of the complexity of cultural differences. Our culture is shaped by the education that each of us has acquired.
Education in Switzerland is compulsory and free until the age of 16. Switzerland also has a highly developed vocational apprenticeship system that allows students to acquire technical skills in areas such as crafts or industry.
In Madagascar, access to education is much more limited due to poverty and a lack of infrastructure. A lot of children cannot go to school because they have to work to support their families. In fact, many Malagasy families want their children to be educated and to go to school. Unfortunately, the economic situation is partly a reason why many children cannot have this opportunity.
Switzerland is known for the quality of its education system, which is reflected in the high rank of students on international tests. Teachers are highly qualified and benefit from the in-service training system.
In Madagascar, the quality of education is often insufficient due to a lack of resources. In addition, insufficient teacher training is an important cause of the downgrading of the quality of education.
Switzerland invests heavily in education, with a high education budget and strong government involvement. In Madagascar, investment in education is much more limited, and priority is given to other sectors.
In view of the diversity of the two countries, AiNA soa is committed to building the capacity of the Malagasy society with the support of people in Switzerland. Our action is a drop in the ocean compared to the immense difficulties that Madagascar faces in providing adequate knowledge to its population.
AiNA soa focuses in sharing knowledge through training and the book Vonjy Aina. People’s capacity has been developed since the beginning of the organization. It is this vision that people in Switzerland support.
Our team is professional in first aid training. AiNA soa trainers give clear explanations about the basic gestures and why they should apply them. I am always surprised by the satisfaction of the participants. The training helps to prevent unfounded beliefs in society to do inappropriate gestures for a simple act of first aid.
I believe Madagascar has found a good example from Switzerland on security and emergency preparedness. There, the above topics are considered as a collective responsibility and a priority for the community. Companies, organizations and citizens are encouraged to be trained in first aid. As for here, the safety culture is less developed, and people are often less aware of potential risks.
The two countries have very different education systems in terms of access, quality of training, language of instruction, equipment and safety culture. It is important to recognise these differences and to continue working together to improve what lacks in developing countries like Madagascar.
Sincere greetings,
Fleet Manager and Data collection Manager