
About ainasoa_admin

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So far ainasoa_admin has created 62 blog entries.

From Excel to Banana

Hi readers, It is my great pleasure to share with you an interesting topic. At AiNA soa we never stop developing and improving in all areas of work. Everyone gives their best to achieve the best quality possible. This is only possible with encouraging and good leaders. By the way, greetings to all. :)

2022-07-25T09:34:38+02:0019. July, 2022|Madagascar|

Certification of our Employees by Flying Instructor

Our proud employees with their certificates and Jannick in the middle An essential step forward An important event means a big step in the work of AiNA soa: our employees are now certified first aid instructors! Already in October 2020 the first preparations with Flying Instructor started. Flying Instructor is a Swiss company that

2022-04-16T09:51:20+02:0016. April, 2022|News|

First Aid in the Rural World

Madagascar is rich in interesting and beautiful places, especially in the rural areas. Most of the people in these areas have only primary education. Their standard of living, is not allowing them to pursue higher education. Especially because of the distance between schools and their home and further challenges, such as financial constraints. Therefore,

2021-10-16T12:08:11+02:0016. October, 2021|Madagascar|

Transmission of knowledge through the “Vonjy AiNA” resource book

The main mission of AiNA soa is to have a direct impact on people so that they can pass on their knowledge to others. Since the establishment of AiNA soa, we have always looked for ways through which we can reach out to the Malagasy people. AiNA soa has chosen to spread knowledge through

2021-10-27T08:20:24+02:0014. May, 2021|Madagascar|
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